SASOPRS...What is it? What’s in a Name? Why is it Needed?

Senior American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (SASOPRS) is two years old. It was started of a concern for the needs of ASOPRS members who have contributed much over the years to ASOPRS but who are sometimes forgotten as they age or feel they don’t fit in with the active clinicians.

“Senior” admittedly is a loaded word. While the dictionary says a senior is one who is “more experienced,” some may equate senior to “senile,” “retired,” or “old and out of touch.” But those of us who are more experienced beg to differ. We still have something to offer!

John Prine, in “Hello in There,” wrote the lyrics:

"Ya know that old trees just grow stronger
And old rivers grow wilder every day
Old people just grow lonesome
Waiting for someone to say: “hello in there, hello

What is the purpose of SASOPRS? Represent the interests of those who have been ASOPRS Members for 25+ years.

Does one need to be retired or of a certain age to join SASOPRS? No, neither. ASOPRS Members in good standing may join at any age. In fact, many younger and actively working ASOPRS members have contributed talks and knowledge at both the spring and fall ASOPRS meeting symposiums over the last two years.

How can you join us? Contact me at [email protected], and I will welcome you.




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